Friday, 9 January 2015


These are some sample pieces I've made using the colours that William Morris and Peter Blake both used in their work.
I made these with a cardboard loom. its simple when you get the hang of it. To start with you have to weave some cotton round your cardboard loom and then weave different pieces of wool/thread through the cotton, going under, over, under etc.
My William Morris inspired piece

This is my favourite one because I have experimented with different colours and I've tried to make it look really quirky


Monday, 5 January 2015

So, for the past 6 weeks I have been working on my visual sheets, moodboards, artist research and research sheets.

Ive found it quite challenging to combine the two and come up with fresh ideas for each sheet.

On each sheet I have used gouache paint as that is the media my chosen artist uses- Peter Blake. These are some of my sheets I have produced.